23 November 2013



dispatch is a tiny mvc framework in php.
it give us 25 functions, help us easily to build mvc web application.

Add helper function

when i using it to build one demo web application.
i want to get the pathinfo.
but i found the same code in old function “dispatch”, so i move this code outside that function.
and add one helper function named “path”. pull this request into the parent code tree.

Merge request_body into params

the old version have function named “params” to get params from “GET” and “POST”.
but we always want it to get the request_body when using other request type.
so i merge the request_body into function “params”.

  • noodlehaus have merge the two point into code tree pull #24

found issue

when i merge the “request_body” into “params”.
i found that this function read data from stream “php://input”.
this stream can read once.
so if user call this function next time, can get nothing.

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